Keep looking up … you never know what you will see

One cloudy Sunday morning I was taking my dog on our typical walking route through Riley Park, when I noticed a family looking up. I followed their gaze and saw this beautiful Barred Owl. But wait…there was something coming out of the owl’s mouth. I ran back home and grabbed my Nikon camera with my telephoto lens. As I returned, the owl was munching on a rat and shortly thereafter a squirrel started taunting the owl. The squirrel kept inching its way towards the owl. The owl just glared at the squirrel. Minutes after the squirrel ran off, a crow approached. The crow crept towards the owl following the squirrel’s path while the owl kept glaring. The interactions between these creatures were priceless. Observing these beautiful animals communicating in their natural habitat left me in awe. I am thrilled to have captured these special moments to share with you.
