Look up!


Keep looking up…you never know what you will see!

One cloudy Sunday morning I was taking my dog for a walk and all of a sudden I noticed a family looking up in a tree. I couldn’t see anything but as I got closer I saw this beautiful Barred owl eating something. I immediately ran beck home to get my Nikon camera with my telephoto lens. When I returned the owl was there munching away and I believe it was a rat. I kept watching until it was all consumed. Five minutes later this squirrel kept inching his way next to the owl and the owl just stared at it. Not sure what the squirrel was doing. Thank goodness the owl was not hungry. After 15 minutes the squirrel left and within minutes a crow inched his way closer to the owl. The interaction between these creatures were priceless. I was in awe of watching them communicate. I was thrilled that I could capture these special moments.


Project One